Sergey Jelezky
1960- was born in Omsk, Russia
1967-1978- Secondary Comprehensive School, Omsk
1974-1978- Arts School, Omsk
1985-1989- Omsk Technological Institute
since 1990 has lived in Germany
1997-1998- AMD Fashion Design Academy, Hamburg, Germany
2001-2002- AEP Electronic Publication Academy, Hamburg, Germany
Sergey Jelezky
Is founder and stable participant of Wanderer group. The direction in which the painter works is at the junction of postmodernistic and surrealistic concepts of image- development. The painter actively applies esoteric knowledge in his creative method.
The events, happenings in the world being created by the painter, testifies the fact that he does not target building an aesthetic or commercial creative line, he is creating the space of independent visual ideas and irrealities that are closest to him in terms of spirit and subconsciousness.
A.D. Mikhailyuta, fine arts critic
Selected exhibitions
1992 Gallery Limpopo, Hamburg
1993 Studio Wehler, Hamburg
1995 Zeise- Halle, Hamburg
1996 Cinema Home, Hamburg
1996-2001 „ElbArt“, Hamburg
1996 “New ART”, München
1997 “Cinema and Art”, Cinema Home, Hamburg.
1998 “The beauty receive the world” The Gallery, Hamburg.
1999 Galerie XL-99, Paris.
1999 Fine Art Gallery, Cannes.
2000 „Librart“, Belgien.
2000 KX „Verrückkungen“, Kampnagel, Hamburg.
2002 Galerie „Imagine“, Hamburg.
2003 „Art-Manege“, Moscou, Russia.
2003 ZDH, Moscou, Russia.
2004 Saint Genevieve des Bois, France
2005 Parma, Italy
2006 Kunststätte Bossard,Jesteburg
2006 Handelskamer , Hamburg
2006 Galerie »Om », Hamburg
2011 Statliche Kunstmuseum Omsk / Russland
2012 DarArt / Hamburg
2016 Galerie »Om », Hamburg
2019 Art-Festival « Hamburg zeigt Kunst «
2019 Galerie Nebelfeld, Hamburg
2019 Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam. Holland
2019 Marziart Internationale Galerie, Hamburg
2021 Hamburg zeigt Kunst
2022 Cruise Center Altona
2023 Hamburg zeigt Kunst